Natasha D'Souza

Natasha is a journalist, business strategist and speaker committed to sharing the Asia success story with the world. Her passion for storytelling is driven by a desire to reveal powerful shifts in technology, culture and human advancement - particularly in fast-moving Asian markets - and how they create opportunities to reimagine and reshape the way we live, work and create.

Based in Dubai, she reports for global business media including Forbes and The Karma Network and has interviewed some of the foremost business and creative minds of our time: from former CEO of Pepsi and Apple - John Sculley- to international best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell to one of the most powerful women in Indian business - Vani Kola; along with several government leaders, industry titans and visionary entrepreneurs worldwide.

Drawing on a versatile corporate career at institutions including The Corporate Executive Board, the Harvard Medical School Dubai Center and Dubai Holding, she advises forward-thinking institutions and brands on marketing and growth strategy and frequently delivers talks that both illuminate the future of work and leadership and how institutions and individuals can authentically stand out and succeed in this future.